Monday, 18 June 2012

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

This book is FABULOUS but devastatingly sad. Warning: I cried. Lots! This book explores the journey made by Hazel as she falls in love and travels to Amsterdam with her one true love to meet the author of their favourite book.  All sounds rosy however, Hazel has a diagnosis of terminal cancer.  The tragic love story is intertwined with humour and devastation all at once.  It is an excellent book and I don't feel that I can personally do the book justice in writing a review on it.
This one is one that I will never forget.
The first well deserved 5/5 that I can honestly give any book I've read that is on my list to read.
Meg <3

Fall in Love

So I haven't posted in a long time but I feel that now is the time to return to my little blog.  This is because I have completed one more thing on my bucket list.  As you may have guessed from the title, I fell in love.  How do I know? Well here are just a few things which suggest tis true:
1. Waking up every morning thinking of him
2. Going to sleep every night thinking of him
3. Butterflies in my tummy whenever I see him, think about him or speak to him.
4. The sense that my life would never be complete without him
5. Checking my phone every few minutes hoping to have a message from him.
6. Waiting up all night on that phone call just to know he's safe and thinking of me too.
7. Knowing that there is no way I could ever be with anyone else in the way I'm with him.
8. The safety of being with him.
9. Total trust in everything he does.
10. Knowing that I will be with him forever and always <3

So I know this was a soppy post, but I promised myself that I would keep a record of every item of my bucket list that I complete.  One down. . .
Meg xxx